Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Explaining Coronavirus

Explaining Coronavirus

The first day of lockdown was March 26th. Lockdown meant we had to stay home. Only one person was allowed to go to the supermarket or to get essentials. Essentials means the stuff you survive on like food, medicine and water.
You could only see your friends face timing them and it also meant that if you were out in public, you had to stay at least 2 meters from others. We had to stay in our bubble. A bubble is the people that live in your home.

Lockdown was stopping us from spreading the virus to other people.

Scientists think that Coronavirus came from a market in Wuhan, in China, then it started to spread all around the world. The symptoms of Coronavirus are a fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. The virus can spread up to 3 isles at the supermarket from just one person coughing.

When we were in lockdown my family and I kept busy by doing a challenge with my uncle. We did 28 push ups for 28 days and we sent the video every night. My friends and I did a boy’s daily challenge. So every day someone would choose something to do such as 5 shuttle runs or a tongue twister and to write your name in something other than pen, pencil or crayon. Then we sent the pictures or videos through.

With my dad, mum and sisters we cut 10 ton of firewood and also made a tree hut. We still did school work. We did school work by face timing our teacher Mr Bain so he could tell us the work we had to do, and check how we were going and we would do the roll. My mum and I made a schedule for what I do for school. My lockdown school starts at 10:00 am and finishes at 1:00 pm. That's when we have lunch and get updates from the Prime Minister. Our Prime Minister was Jacinda Ardern.

When we were in lockdown it was nice to be home with all my family. I liked being in lockdown except for when I couldn't see my friends.