Thursday, November 19, 2020

Fiction Story 2

 Doctor studs and his amazing friend.

By Reeve

After endless months of searching and excavation, Doctor Studs made an amazing discovery. He held up the mysterious cube and said “I'm gonna call you Kevin”.

So doctor studs and his trusty sidekick Kevin went travelling around the universe like the milky way, Mars, Uranus and more. A few years later doctor studs and Kevin got married and they had lots of fun together. A few months later doctor studs and Kevin were jumping around for fun but doctor studs said “I have butter fingers so be careful OK” “OK” said Kevin, but then doctor studs accidentally dropped Kevin. Kevin said “It's been a long day” “crack” said Kevin NO!!!! Said doctor studs. For the rest of his life doctor studs was a loner. The End.


Fiction Story 1

 Finn and the giant monster

By Reeve

The horrified astronaut Finnegan, could hear screeching noises outside the ship. He was too afraid to leave his ship but the other astronauts said to him, “you have to leave the ship and research for us”. 

Finnegan said, “ohh, OK but one of you is coming out with me.” 

“OK,'' said one of the other astronauts. Finn and the other astronaut could scarcely believe that he was face to face with an extraterrestrial being. The horror of the Martian’s appearance had shaken him to the core; he and his friend stood in shock, incapable of movement. 

They saw the planet and were amazed. It had water, weird living creatures and a huge cave that said, “DO NOT ENTER A HUGE MOUNTAIN”. 

Then Finn and his friend said we can research that. When Finn walked in he saw this huge lump so he climbed up it and stabbed a huge stick into it to mark that he had been there. But then it started shaking and wobbling!
Finn said to his friend, “I don’t think this is a mountain, I think it’s a monster RUN!!!”

 As Finn and his friend got out they were eaten.
The End.


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My Weekend

 My Weekend 

By Reeve 10.8.20

On Saturday morning I woke up, had breakfast then I went on my PS4. After that I went into town and did something but I forgot what we did. When I got home I had lunch and played a game with Toby and Brooklyn. 

On Sunday I woke up, went on my PS4 and played with Toby. Then at about 7:45 I got ready for soccer. At soccer I played Toby’s team and we lost. But it was a good game. Just after my game the other team did not have enough players so I had to play their game too. At the end of the game the score was 4/5 to the other team we played. After the games I got a sausage and a chocolate bar. Then my family and I went home then I played on my PS4.

My Weekend

 Reeve’s Weekend


On Saturday I woke up, had breakfast and went on my PS4. Then at about 12:00 my uncle came to help my dad put in a new window, then Rae my mum and I went to town to get John a present. Then after I got John a present we went to drop Rae off at her friends birthday party. Then my mum got stuck talking with her friend for about an hour, so I was just sitting and waiting until she was finished. After she was finished talking we went to the supermarket and got some food, when we finished at the supermarket we went home and just hung out. On Sunday I got up, had my breakfast and went on my PS4. At about 7:30 we got ready and went to soccer. Me and my dad had to go early and set up the stuff so it was Covid safe. At 9:00 we played our game of soccer. We played Toby’s team, but he was in Christchurch so he couldn't play. It was a really close game at first we were losing by 1 but in the second half we played real well the end score was 2-1 to my team it was good fun. At home I got ready for John’s birthday so at 2:45 I went to John’s birthday ‘On Yer bike’. We had an epic tour, it was bumpy, jumpy and freaky. But my favorite part was the end. We went through a huge creek. It was a good 50 meters long. After that Jimmy was super dizzy So I gave him a hand. Then we went to the rec center and mucked around for a bit. Then we had some snacks and tea. After we had some tea we saw our friend Jackson, so he came over and we gave him a bit of pizza. After Jackson had left we played a bit more and then we had some cake. It was pretty good. When I finished my cake my mum had come to pick me up, so I grabbed my stuff and went home.                  

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Quick write 24/7

Quick Write


Once upon a time there was an angry clown inside his Circus he had nothing to do. so he was thinking and thinking until he thought he would go out hunting a T- Rex. But then he had a yeti write up his backside so the clown was running as fast as he could. But the yeti was too fast for the clown so the yeti caught up to the clown and then jumped on him. The yeti had broken the clown’s spine so the ambulance came to the clown and took him to Accident and Emergency at the hospital and the clown was in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.THE END. 

Quick write 5/8

Quick write 5\8

Once upon a time there was a man named Larry. He was an evil scientist. Once he had made 7 million robots and sent them all around the world Larry cheeks on his robots every month, but in August 2050 he checked on his robots and saw a confused robot at the supermarket he was getting all his groceries for his little robot family. But when the robots are confused or acting silly Larry will have to hire a Ninja to execute them but the Ninja was sick because he had eaten 5 thousand weta’s. So Larry had to execute the robot himself but Larry did not have the stuff to execute the robots so Larry hired an assassin. So Larry called the local assassin club but he had no internet. so he called them again and said to the assassin he needed someone to execute one of his offtrack robots so they agreed. Then Larry told them where he lived and where the confused robot was. So then the next day the assassin showed up at the robots house all the way in London and the assassin knocked on the door and the confused robot opened up the door. Then the assassin hit the robot with his sword and the robot fell on the ground malfunctioned.   

 THE END     

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Explaining Coronavirus

Explaining Coronavirus

The first day of lockdown was March 26th. Lockdown meant we had to stay home. Only one person was allowed to go to the supermarket or to get essentials. Essentials means the stuff you survive on like food, medicine and water.
You could only see your friends face timing them and it also meant that if you were out in public, you had to stay at least 2 meters from others. We had to stay in our bubble. A bubble is the people that live in your home.

Lockdown was stopping us from spreading the virus to other people.

Scientists think that Coronavirus came from a market in Wuhan, in China, then it started to spread all around the world. The symptoms of Coronavirus are a fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. The virus can spread up to 3 isles at the supermarket from just one person coughing.

When we were in lockdown my family and I kept busy by doing a challenge with my uncle. We did 28 push ups for 28 days and we sent the video every night. My friends and I did a boy’s daily challenge. So every day someone would choose something to do such as 5 shuttle runs or a tongue twister and to write your name in something other than pen, pencil or crayon. Then we sent the pictures or videos through.

With my dad, mum and sisters we cut 10 ton of firewood and also made a tree hut. We still did school work. We did school work by face timing our teacher Mr Bain so he could tell us the work we had to do, and check how we were going and we would do the roll. My mum and I made a schedule for what I do for school. My lockdown school starts at 10:00 am and finishes at 1:00 pm. That's when we have lunch and get updates from the Prime Minister. Our Prime Minister was Jacinda Ardern.

When we were in lockdown it was nice to be home with all my family. I liked being in lockdown except for when I couldn't see my friends.

Thursday, February 20, 2020